Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Birds I See in The Garden

Hello! Here are some pictures of birds i saw around the garden today!

 A Yellow-Rumped Warbler ran into our window last week (pictures in my last blog) and that was the first time i had seen one. Now whenever i go into the garden i see lots flying around.

 In the summer they have darker gray and black on them, making them a bold patterned bird, but in winter they are a grayish brown with yellow on their throat, sides, and rump.
 I also see Golden Crowned Sparrows a lot. Here is one eating a yellow ladybug. Ew!
 Goldfinches love snacking on our sunflowers' seeds.
 I've seen a lot of Flickers recently. I was pleased to find one in our neighbors yard, digging through the dirt.

 My parents found this dead Red-Breasted Sapsucker on our porch this weekend. It was very sad, but also really cool that i got to hold it. After looking at it, I buried it in the forest.
 I hope you enjoyed these pictures! Bye!

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Fall Birds

Hello! This September we went to Sunriver for the weekend. I was really excited to see different types of birds there. I didn't see a ton of birds in the wild, but i was pleased to see the Nature Center  had a couple birds of prey that were caged. Most of them were injured from car accidents, and wouldn't survive living in the wild.

 Here is a Red-tailed Hawk. She was so pretty. When my sister and I visited her, she kept jumping from perch to perch, back and forth. I loved seeing all these birds up close, they are so beautiful.

 They had two owls at the Nature Center, a Barn Owl, and a Great Horned Owl.
 The Nature Center also released some Trumpeter Swans into the lake a while ago. There were five total, from what i saw. Two adults and three juveniles.

 I saw this flicker on a walk and i just love how the sun light is hitting his face.

 Two days ago a Yellow-Rumped Warbler ran into our window. We carefully picked him up and waited till he could fly away. He wasn't hurt, just shocked. I had been wanting to see a yellow-rumped warbler for a while, so it was really awesome to get to see, and hold one.

Mountain Bluebirds & Raptors

        This weekend we went to Sunriver! It was a super fun weekend and I saw some cool birds!      On our way home we stopped by the paint...