Sunday, January 19, 2020

Snowy Birds

Hello! This week it snowed! I went around our yard taking some pictures of birds in the snow. 

 While i was trying to photograph a woodpecker, a little Anna's Hummingbird flew up and perched on a branch right next to me. I always thought that hummingbirds migrated in the winter, but they actually stay around all year.

 The Varied Thrushes are back! In the winter these birds hang out in backyards and i love seeing them every year.

I was super happy to see this Downy Woodpecker, but it was behind lots of branches and i didn't get any great photos. 
Well, happy snow days! I hope you enjoyed this blog.❄❄❆😊

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Sparrows, Ducks, and Pheasants

Hello! Happy new year! Here are some more bird pictures.

 One of our friends neighbors has Golden pheasants. I was expecting to see Ring-Necked Pheasants but i'm so happy i got to see these more rare birds. Sorry the photos are blurry.
 The two birds to the right are females, and the two on the left side of the photo are males (one is younger).

 A song sparrow in our yard.

 I went on a walk and didn't see much except this group of Mallards. The males are so pretty. I used to see these ducks almost every day, when we lived next to a pond, but now i don't see them as much.

I also saw a female Northern Flicker digging through the ground.

Mountain Bluebirds & Raptors

        This weekend we went to Sunriver! It was a super fun weekend and I saw some cool birds!      On our way home we stopped by the paint...