Friday, June 5, 2020

Brazos Bend State Park (Part 3)

On the last day, we went to Brazos Bend State Park, which we had gone to three years earlier, on our last trip to Texas. This is what I was most excited for, since a lot of awesome birds reside there. Wetlands and swamps are some of the best places to go birding.

 I saw many Common Gallinules (Or Common Moorhens) all around the park.

 I was very very happy to see an Anhinga. I love the pattern on their wings.

 They are also sometimes called "snakebirds" because of their long necks.

 A female Northern Cardinal.

 Another bird I was very excited to see was this Yellow-Crowned Night-Heron. They are so pretty.

 I saw two Little Blue Herons.

 A Green Heron (a species I've been wanting to see for a long time), ready to dive.

 These two Black-Bellied Whistling Ducks were posing perfectly for me!

 It was super exciting to see all these new birds. I hope you enjoyed the photos.

Gulf of Mexico (Part 2)

We drove an hour south to the beach on Sunday. The couple of days we spent there were so fun and I got a lot of awesome bird photos. I've gotten a bit tired of seeing the same Oregon birds over and over, so it was really nice to see all these new birds.
 This is a Black-Bellied Whistling Duck on the side of a little stream.

 Me and my Grandma saw this cormorant by a little pond near our condo. Sadly, we discovered it had a fishing lure stuck on it's back.

 I believe this is a Willet, but I'm not 100% sure.

 There were a LOT of Laughing Gulls on the beach.

 I'm not quite sure what this little bird is (since all sandpipers look super similar), but my best guess is that it's a Western Sandpiper.

 I took this photo of a Snowy Egret from the balcony of our condo. I love the egret's bright yellow feet.

 This is a Roseate Spoonbill which I was very happy to see. It was by a little stream, but I accidentally scared it and it flew up and perched on the power line.

 I'm pretty sure this is a Eastern Kingbird. Whatever it is, it's really pretty.

 A White Ibis by the beach.

 I saw this little birdy twice on the boardwalk to the beach. I think it's a juvenile Eastern Meadowlark.

 Another Willet at the beach.

 I LOVE these photos I got of this heron. Sadly, I don't know what type of heron it is....

 These are probably my favorite bird pictures I've ever taken.

 A Brown Pelican diving for his dinner.

I hope you enjoyed these photos. I had a great time taking them :)

Texas Birds (Part 1)

Hello everyone! This past week my family and I traveled to Texas to visit my grandparents. I was super excited for the trip, hoping to see many cool birds (which I did). Here are my photos from my grandparents neighborhood.

 There are many ducks at a lake nearby and they all came up to us, hoping for food.

 Northern Mockingbirds are the state birds of Texas, and they were EVERYWHERE.

 I also saw lots of Egrets. This Great Egret was on the side of the road.

A turtle!

Mountain Bluebirds & Raptors

        This weekend we went to Sunriver! It was a super fun weekend and I saw some cool birds!      On our way home we stopped by the paint...